
Oh how I love thee... Let me count the ways

You, my little sweet pea, are the one person I count twice in my blessings every day. I don't know how I got so lucky to be your mom, or what I did because I sure was a little hellion for your grandmother, but I consider myself to be the luckiest person ever. Not just alive- ever!

You bring a smile to my face with everything you do, but here's a few of the ways...

Φ The way your eyebrows raise when I do something new and you're intrigued

Φ How you instantly find your thumb when you're sleeping and the rest of your hand covers your face

ΦYour perplexed face when I'm feeding you new fruit and the combination of you trying to figure out what your tongue is again for the thousandth time always makes me laugh

Φ The fact that you rolled over when no one was watching and you've refused to do it since that day. You little stinker, you.

Φ The cute sound you make when you're playing with your spit bubbles.

ΦWhen I've got you locked on me for just a few minutes and I make you laugh that little "aha aha" laugh.

Φ You're the most alert baby I've ever seen.

Φ Watching you splash around in the bath. You were probably a fish in another life.

Φ How much you're already like me. I'm not worried one bit. I'm just very, very excited.

I love you to the moon and back,
