
New Milestones

Not that these are really milestones, but you're changing so much everyday Brylee that I can't keep up with you! Everything you do brings a huge smile to my face and I honestly just want to tell every person I know how cute you are 5 times a day!

Here are a few things that you do lately that just make my heart melt:

- The big, big grin you give me when I peek over your crib everytime you wake up. I can't help but scoop you up and squeeze you against my chest.

- After you eat, I can go lay you in your crib and you fall asleep by yourself. It's so wonderful.

- You talk to yourself for about 10-15 minutes before you finally do fall asleep, and I love listening to your stories.

- The slobbery kisses you give me everytime I lean in to nuzzle your nose.

- How cute you are when you scream bloody murder after I take your bottle away to burp you before I let you finish. You almost have me convinced that it's the end of the world.

- How content you are to just lay by me on the floor and look at everything around you in such amazement.

- The way your eyes light up when I do something new, and I can just tell that you're trying to figure out how to do it.

- Sometimes you forget what your tongue is, and it's so cute watching you try to figure it out again.

- I can't shovel that baby cereal in your mouth fast enough when you eat it before bedtime!

- You're starting to grab onto more things (like my finger, the bottle, binky, hair or clothing), but it definitely is only when you want to do it.

- Everytime I pull the camera out to get a picture of you smiling and cooing, you stop. That's because you're so puzzled by what the camera is and then you just follow the camera around with your eyes. So we only have a couple of smiling pictures so far because we have to trick you to get one!

- You can still sleep all day AND all night. You normally sleep 10 or more hours a night. Have I told you lately that you're the best daughter ever and I love you so much?

- At 11 weeks you weighed 15 pounds. At your 2 month check up you went above and beyond the 100th percentile, and you were the size of a 4 month old. We parted with all of your 3 month clothing and brought out the 6-9 months. I wish I was joking, but that's all that fits. And we just gave your wonderful aunt Dawn a whole bunch of diapers we didn't get to use because you're too big for them now. And all of this happened before you're even 3 months old. :)

- My love for you grows so much more everyday, and you help me to realize what the important things in life are.

I love you little sweet pea, more than you can ever imagine. Thank you for being a part of my life. I love you to the moon and back,


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