
There she goes

My oh my how time is flying! You're about to be 16 weeks old tomorrow. To me, you are HUGE! And you've been wearing 6-9 month old clothing since you were practically born. You are the one person who can always make me smile, no matter what you're doing. Whether you're sleeping, smiling back at me, wailing at the top of your lungs, screaming from excitement at 2 in the morning (or anytime for that matter), or sucking on your fists. Yes, fists. As in plural. As in, at the same time. You're a very determined little girl. One more thing to add to the list of 'what I love about you'.

Here are some firsts for you within the past few weeks:

Thumb sucking. Yes, you've found it, and you also love it.

Daycare. I think you love it, although I'm not too sure. Mostly during the day you eat, sleep, have your diaper changed, and then repeat the entire process. Either way, I'm sure glad to see you when I come to pick you up and you give me that big old grin.

Flirting. You are so boy crazy already, definitely my daughter, and boy do you pull out the charm whenever you hear a guy. You're favorite is grandpa. Oh yes, he can make you laugh and smile like no one else can. You love him a lot.

Squealing. This is what you do all the time now. I thought it was adorable when you first started doing it, but I found it not so cute after you started doing it randomly throughout the middle of the night.

Peek-a-boo. You absolutely LOVE this game. Especially when you're playing with grandpa. You laugh and laugh. You laugh even harder when you're scared, and it's so cute to watch you anticipate it. You flinch your eyes just waiting for it to happen. So. Cute.

TV. You love to turn your head and watch TV while you eat. It looks quite uncomfortable to me, but you enjoy it, so you just keep on watching sweet pea.

Rolling. You aren't quite able to roll all the way over you, but you always pull your feet up towards your chest and roll onto your side.

You are just too dang cute for me. I am in love, and awed, by everything you do. All everyone ever tells me is what a good baby you are. And it's so true. You rarely cry, you sleep through the night, you're always happy and content. I really am so lucky, and I count you twice in my blessings every night.

I hope that you keep getting so big, even though I think you're growing up too fast. Keep laughing and smiling; you have such a contagious personality, and I know that you will inspire others because of that when you're older.

I love you to the moon and back,


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