
Christmas.... already?

I know I haven't blogged in like a gazillion years, and I really have no excuse for it. Well, our computer is still broken, but it's our fault for not taking it to get it fixed. Anyways.

My days typically consist of waking up when the boy leaves for work, pee, not falling back asleep, getting out of bed with back pain, pee, showering, coming to the parents house, pee, lounging on the couch, pee, pee, flipping back and forth from ridiculous soaps, having a meal that consists of three bites, pee, laughing my head off at Ellen (I'm preparing an awesome letter to write to her, yep!), forcing another three bites of dinner into my belly, pee, limp around every where I go, shaping my body in odd ways to try and get in the car, drive home, wait for the boy to lift me out of the car and help me into the house, pee, limp up the stairs, climb awkwardly into bed with back pain. Sleep, and pee. Yup, that's right. Lots of peeing in everyday life for me now. It's almost to the point where it's a little over the top. How I love being preggers. Oh, and I must give myself credit for making an occasional trip to Costco sometime in those jam packed days!

Christmas is coming early this year for us. (But I still don't have our tree decorated, or even out for that matter. Is that bad? Probably. Shhh..) Not for any particular reason, just because the boy and I both already got our presents. His was a PS3, which he kept bugging me about to the point he almost drove me insane that I just said "FINE! Get one and then don't ask for anything for another 3 years" (I'm mean, and not sympathetic- I know) and I got.... A NEW CAR! That's right.... an '05 Toyota Corolla S! Can you tell that I'm a little stoked? Because I am! We were going to start looking for something right before the baby was born that was a little bigger than my old car, and this car just presented itself to us and it was perfect timing. (I'm sure we won't think so when we get the monthly bill, but hey!) I'm teasing, it wasn't a bad price at all, and we worked it into our budget. So really, Santa is coming for me today, to bring me my awesome new toy! I've waited patiently all week, and now I'll finally have something to show for all that money we spent!

My other new project has been a secret for a little while, but I'll let you all in first: Bitty Bebe! You're probably all thinking "What?!" (I would be...) Bitty Bebe is the name my business that I'm starting. I have an etsy shop up and running. You can find it at bittybebeboutique2.etsy.com or check out the blog at bittybebeboutique2.blogspot.com. I started making the items when I made some quilts and blankets for Brylee. I loved it so much I decided to make a career out of it. All items are hand-made, and most are ready to ship. I do take cutsom offers so if you have something in mind just let me know and I'll take care of it. Here's a little list of what we're working on right now:

Baby quilts
Receiving blankets

Car Seat Covers
Nursing Covers
Tu-tu's (They're adorable!)
Customized baby name binky key chains
Customized baby name wooden letters
Baby Leggins

... and much more!

I am so excited to be starting this and I would love it if you would spread the word! Things are still in the making, so bear with me as I figure out the flow of things. I would so appreciate it if you could spread the word, and let me know if anyone is interested in purchasing anything. Just a shout out of THANKS in advance!

So that is pretty much the update with life right now, and I'll be much better about keeping this updated. Promise!

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