
The littlest things

Today I received a letter from a couple who became good friends of mine very quickly. Their sweet words brought tears to my eyes reading what they wrote, and that moment also helped me to remember that it is truly the small and simple things that make life count. It was also a wonderful reminder to me that I should be giving my thanks and gratitude for things that I really appreciate to loved ones or mere acquaintances. You really never know how much a simple thanks or friendly attitude can help someones day, or maybe go a bit further than that.

These words were such a relief to me. I always look back, questioning things I've done, or choices that I've made, and I can't help but question my actions. I don't know what a "perfect" life is, or who makes the "good or bad" list, but it's when I hear things like this that make me realize I've turned out alright. I live a good life. I have my own beliefs and values. And more importantly, I am truly happy who I am. There is nothing to regret, only so much more to learn.

I've realized the past couple of years that our choices and decisions will never please everyone. We can only be the best we know how to be, and those who really love us will love us no matter who we are.

Here is a copy of that letter to my sweet, sweet baby:

Hello Brylee,

This is David and Andi writing to you. Your mother helped me and my beautiful wife out with something very important to us.

You are beautiful. And you are so lucky to have Carly as your mother. If you follow in her footsteps, you will be as beautiful on the inside as the outside.

Please thank your Grandparents for us for raising such a sweet daughter that will not only serve you well but be a blessing on all she comes in contact with.

Your Grandparents must be great people; look at how your mother turned out. Even if it was only for a few moments, thank you for sharing your sweet mother with us.

We need more sweet people like these two in our lives.

Today I am grateful for two simple words: thank you

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