

I just added my little growing jelly beans countdown widget to my blog, and I had to look twice when it still says I have 101 days to go. Seriously? Then I started to count out days, and weeks, and months on my fingers, and guess what- that little widget guy is like 100% accurate. Bleh!

I've had like an uber easy pregnancy, but being preggers wears you out, and your body aches in ways you've never known before. Don't get me wrong, it's like one of the greatest experiences in the whole universe, but I am starting to feel the wear of it taking so long to cook this little girl to perfection.

I just have to keep telling myself "Time will fly when she gets here, just enjoy this." (Okay, really that is what Bryan tells me all the time because he's so wonderful). But really, I just want her to be here already. I can't wait to love on her, and kiss her cheeks every 5 seconds, and even change her dirty diaper.

For the time being though, I suppose I'll just have to keep experiencing aches and pains, and count down the 101 (supposed) days we have left until we meet her. Looks like I'll be needing more ice, heating pad time, and sleep.

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