
All we need is love

Hey sweet pea,

You're sleeping in your swing now, but we woke up at 5 because you were hungry! Last night we fed you cereal for the first time before your last bottle, and you did so good! We couldn't shovel that stuff in there fast enough to keep you happy. Every little thing you do makes me laugh, and it makes me so proud to be your momma. Yesterday when I got you up, you focused in on me and you gave me the biggest grin. It melted my heart! We smiled, played, cooed, and talked for a good 10 minutes while you grinned at me the whole time. You are the sweetest thing this world has ever known.

This morning while I was feeding you, for some reason I thought about your goofy Aunt Emily. She just got back from choir tour a couple days ago, and we missed her a lot while she was gone. But now that she's back, all she wants to do is love on you! I have two of the greatest sisters, Dawn and Emily, and this makes them the two best aunts for you! They will always love you, listen to you, and guide you when you need it. When you're older, and me and you are not seeing eye to eye on something, or you're frustrated with me because I'm your mom and driving you crazy in the moment, know that Dawn and Emi will always be people you can turn to. They're funny and they always make me laugh. They're loving and know when I need a hug. They always let me talk their ear off if I need to. These are all things they'll do for you as you start to get older as well.

Both of them were at the hospital with me when you were born. They were trying to make me laugh, but I was just so dang tired and wanted you to come out that I wasn't laughing. At the time anyways. Later I told them it was funny, I just didn't have any energy to laugh. Dawn almost missed your birth because you literally came flying out. And she keeps saying that she was so afraid to breathe while filming because it was so quiet in the room. Emily told me that she would deliver you if the doctor wasn't there on time (he almost missed the delivery), and those pictures now make me laugh everytime I look at them.

Aunt Dawn introduced our family to the greatest game ever invented. I can't remember the real name, but we call it Werewolf for short. It's absolutely fantastic, and we're now having Werewolf parties every month. You've attended all of them so far, although I'm sure you won't remember them. (Don't worry- I told everyone that they couldn't kill you, so you've just been an observer for now.) We love games Brylee, so I hope that you will love them too when you're older. I hope you love our family as much as I do. I hope you'll always love me. Even when we're having silly little arguments; I hope you still love me. It's tough growing up, and it seems I've taken the longer, harder path, but you have so many people around you who love you and want the best for you. And I'll keep reminding you that every day.

I love you to the moon and back,


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